Spiritual Freedom and Healing
Therapy online 1:1 Questions about reservations and payments by email
Descripción del servicio
If throughout your life you have been experiencing a heavy spiritual burden, hard to understand by your own reasoning, if day by day you have manifested emotional, physical and spiritual wounds that have not healed, and that have instead led you to experience continuous psychological and spiritual attacks, which have even been affecting your health as well as your emotional state. If you have searched medical science for answers you haven't found, and your physical and mental state are still deteriorated even further you have come to the right place!! You have come here not by coincidence, “one of the main purposes of your life it is to be able to be free from all spiritual and emotional bonds”, it is to be able to fully enjoy every moment of your life "being free and happy". Let me face the dimensions of spiritual warfare with you and achieve that desired freedom. I am very happy and honored to have you here!! Si a lo largo de tu vida has venido experimentando una pesada carga espiritual difícil de comprender y entender por tu propio razonamiento, si día a día manifiestas heridas emocionales, físicas y espirituales que no han sanado, y que por el contrario te han llevado a experimentar continuos ataques de orden psicológico y espiritual, que incluso han venido afectando tu salud, así como tu estado emocional, si has buscado en la ciencia médica respuestas que no has encontrado, y tú estado físico y mental siguen siendo deteriorados aún más, has llegado al lugar correcto!! Has llegado hasta aquí no por coincidencia, uno de los principales propósitos de vida es poder ser libre de toda atadura espiritual y emocional, es poder disfrutar plenamente de cada momento de tu vida siendo "libre y feliz". Permíteme enfrentar contigo las dimensiones de la guerra espiritual y alcanzar esa anhelada libertad. Me siento muy feliz y honrada de tenerte aquí!!
Política de cancelación
To cancel or re-schedule please contact us at least 48 hours in advance. Para cancelar o re programar por favor contactarnos con al menos 48 horas de anticipación.
Detalles del contacto
Baden-Württemberg, Alemania